Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lesson 2.05: Internet-News, Blogs, etc.

     One of the main qualities that all forms of news media have in common is the fact that they distribute news to the world and keep people in touch with their surroundings.  No matter what form of news media you prefer to receive your news, you will always get true, raw information from the credible sources.  Some people prefer to use more well-known and reliable sources to get facts on current events, but others find that the work of citizen journalists is more authentic and based on real-life experience rather than just finding out the information from someone else and then reporting it. 

            Newspapers are a form of media that is helpful in finding information about local, national, and international news, but it is not up to date because the news that the paper contains is from the day before or even a few days before it was published.  An advantage is that it is portable and you can read it silently wherever you want.  Radio is communication of news through sound.  Reporters have to be very descriptive when they are giving breaking news updates in order for the listeners to get the full effect of the situation or event.  A disadvantage of this form of media is that it is not always portable and you are not able to view any pictures. 

            Television is a popular form of obtaining the news and has many advantages.  Like most other news media, you can get breaking news about almost anything that you want to know about.  It offers both sound and visuals, which brings in a whole new sense so viewers can get the full experience.  The only drawback to this revolutionary device is that it is not portable, so you have to be near a television to actually receive the news this way.  The way that the news is discovered is the same for all news media; it is the way it is portrayed that makes a difference to people all over the world.  The use of the Internet to find out about the news is the trendiest and most thriving way for the current generation to get the latest updates on all types of news.  Within the Internet, you can get news from blogs, major news company websites, search engines, and much more.  Not all of these sources can be considered credible, so you have to be really careful about what you learn and see on the web.  The biggest advantage is that it basically ties all forms of news media together in one place, making it the most convenient of all news sources. 

            The main difference between these forms of news media is the way that they portray news to the world.  Some use sight, some use sound, and some use a combination of the two.  Some are portable and others require you to be in a certain location in order to access them.  If you look at the history of journalism and news through the ages, you can see which forms are the oldest and most traditional to the forms that are still in the process of being discovered.  Even though newspaper and radio are slightly older forms of communication and news, they are still around today, which is what makes these forms of news media so interesting and different in their own ways. 

            The form of news media that I prefer the most is the Internet.  I enjoy using a little bit of all of these forms once in a while, but I find myself always turning to the Internet when I am in need of some current information or facts for research.  I like to read my local newspaper and listen to the radio every once in a while so I can experience all forms of news and get as much information about our world as I can.     

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lesson 2.04: Broadcast-Television

     The show that I watched was the Today Show.  I would classify this show as morning news because it airs every morning and has different segments where the reporters interview professionals on a certain topic or give you tips and advice on anything to improve your lifestyle in general.  It usually starts out with a short introduction and then they start off with general national news.  From there, they begin to branch out into more specific topics such as help with your finances, health, fashion, cooking, etc. 

            I didn’t really see much opinion in this show except for the fashion segment and the cooking segment in particular.  The cooking segment today was themed around Mexican style cooking with a twist.  The woman preparing the food kept saying that the family will love it and that it is a great comfort food.  Some people don’t really like Mexican food so the statements she was making were more of an opinion than true fact.  In the fashion segment, they were saying how fake fur vests are a big trend on the streets of New York and that a certain pair of pants from some fashion company was cute and comfortable.  There are multiple different styles in fashion, so not all people may have liked the clothing that they displayed today.  Even though the newest trends are news, it is still opinion based. 

            The Today show today was very informative and I always enjoy hearing what they have to say about what is going on in the world.  This show was effective in informing me about all of the topics discussed.  Every segment had some new facts and advice to give that I had not previously known.  I believe that the way the news is delivered also makes a big impact on how viewers receive it.  Since all of the reporters on the Today Show are so good at what they do, everything they have to say can come across as somewhat life changing; as if you couldn’t go on without this new information.  That is what makes people like watching shows like the Today Show.  They do everything right when it comes to delivering news and nothing could have been any better on this morning’s show. 


All of the information was from the Today Show on 1/25/12. 

Today Show. 1/25/12. Retrieved on 1/25/12 from The Today Show.   

Lesson 2.03: Broadcast-Radio

       The broadcast that I listened to was the Dennis Prager show on 930 WLSS. The broadcast was called “The Happiness Hour”.  He allows callers to express their happiness about certain things and sometimes gives prompts for the callers to talk about and give their opinion on.  He believes that everyone should share what makes them happy because it might make other people happy too.  In this particular broadcast that I listened to, the topic was, “Do video games make kids unhappy?”  Many people responded to that, stating their opinion.  After callers were through with that topic, he went on to ask, “How do you fulfill your expectations?”  Once he gave his own advice and opinion to people, he let callers state their opinions as well.  The third topic on this broadcast was “How do you keep your New Year’s Resolutions?”  Sometimes, the answer of one caller inspired another caller or listener to try the same thing. 

            From this broadcast, I learned that not many people are allowed to state their opinions about positive topics on most radio shows.  Usually, people only complain about what they think is wrong in the world and blow off some steam to the other listeners and the reporter.  This broadcast is different because it is people helping other people and talking about things that make them happy.  I think that it is important and special that Dennis Prager takes some time out of the politics talk to discuss topics that make people feel good.  I learned that not all radio broadcast have to be the same and that you can discover a lot about yourself when you listen to broadcast like this. 

            Dennis Prager is a Jewish conservative that likes to talk about real-life situations.  He does not try to impose the beliefs of his religion on his listeners, but he does include some things about his religion that he feels can relate to anyone’s life and religion.  One of the sources that he frequently uses in this broadcast is Dr. Stephen Marmer, “Happiness Hour” caller that is a member of the clinical facility of the UCLA medical school and has a private psychiatric practice.  I would consider this to be credible news broadcast because even though it lets listeners state their opinion, it also uses a real doctor for many of the topics that they discuss.  Seeing that this is a full name of someone that has experience in the field, I believe that it is a credible news source.  


Prager, D. Salem Web Network. 1/24/12. Happiness Hour 2: Open Lines. Retrieved 1/24/12 from http://pragertopia.com/category/radio-show/    


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lesson 2.01: Print-Newspapers

    The difference between daily newspapers and weekly newspapers is mainly that daily newspapers usually have news from the day before or a few days before and weekly newspapers have articles about news that has happened throughout the whole week and possibly before then.  Daily newspapers cannot write articles about news that happened that day because the paper has already been written.  News that is received after the daily deadline has to wait for the weekly newspaper, which is usually published and distributed on Sundays.  News that is current that didn’t make it into the newspaper for that particular day usually shows up on local or national television stations or radio stations.  This way, if there is one form of medium that doesn’t include certain information, there are many other options to get it out to the public. 

            My local newspaper, The Sarasota Herald Tribune, is a daily newspaper that has all different information about events happening in Sarasota.  Each day, all of the journalists involved write articles about things that happened the day before or even within the past week.  This paper also includes section about world news and national news.  If the story is really detailed or concerns many of the readers, they will provide articles everyday about that topic with quotes and extra information (heraldtribune.com, 2012)

            My local weekly newspaper, The East County Observer, focuses on stories that have been in the daily papers and events that have happened over the past week.  This paper has more specific stories to a localized part of the county and includes more sections such as Arts, Jobs, Real Estate, and local activities.  Usually in this paper, journalists go to local schools or organizations and ask them about certain events coming up that they might want included in the newspaper.  This is how people become more aware of their community (yourobserver.com, 2012).   


Heraldtribune.com.  1/24/12.  Sarasota Herald Tribune.  Retrieved 1/24/12 from http://www.heraldtribune.com/

Yourobserver.com.  1/24/12.  East County Observer.  Retrieved 1/24/12 from http://www.yourobserver.com/news/east-county/  

Lesson 2.00: What is News?

    News is any information that is gained or learned from a source.  You can receive news from newspapers, television, magazines, radio, or even friends.  Word of mouth is a popular way to spread news and information quickly.  News is delivered daily and the type of news depends on the source and what the receiver of the news wants to learn about.  People that don’t like to hear news about politics would obviously not listen to a radio show that only talks about politics.  The world thrives on news. 

            Reporters and journalists get their news in different ways so it only makes sense to deliver the news in several ways.  Media is the term used for the different forms of communication that news is brought to the world (flvs.net, n.d).  Opinions that news today is better that news 50-100 years ago seems very likely considering the technology used and research made to seek the facts from raw sources is much more advanced. 

            So what is news?  Is it something that you read?  Is it something you hear or watch?  I believe that news is all of above.  Any way that you learn new information is news, no matter what the source.  Sometimes, the sources aren’t very reliable, which is why it is better to obtain your news from well-known and experienced places such as CNN, FOX, NBC, or any major newspaper or radio station.  News can change your life and keep you connected to the world around you.  “Well, news is anything that's interesting, that relates to what's happening in the world, what's happening in areas of the culture that would be of interest to your audience (thenewsmanual.net, 2008).”


Diopdesign. 2008.  What is news? Famous Quotes on Journalism.  Retreived 1/24/12, from http://www.thenewsmanual.net/Resources/what_is_news_00.htm

FLVS n.d.  Module 2 Lesson 2.00: Prepare.  Retreived 1/24/12, from www.flvs.net

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lesson 1.02 American Journalism Evolves

Journalism is the study of facts and incoming information that is displayed through multiple types of media.  The American public thrives on the news and the journalists and reporters behind the scenes that make the news possible.  Every event and newscast that you watch on TV, every newspaper article that you read, and every blog or information website that you visit is only possible with the hard work and long dedicated hours of none other than the journalist.  The role of the journalist has changed over time and has to become adapted to the way that society is changing.  They are always on top of the most current news and that comes to us through newspaper articles, magazines, photography, television, the internet, and much more.

Early American journalism started around the early 1700’s and has grown ever since.  It started with Benjamin Franklin publishing the annual Poor Richard’s Almanack.  This was a pamphlet that included everything that the people of the colonies were interested in at the time such as, the weather, puzzles, proverbs, and tips for living in the colonies.  In my opinion, American journalism would not exist without the help of society and their likes at a certain point in time.  It was all about the trends and the events taking place.  I believe that early American history was not only more subjective, but limited in the sense that journalists still had so much more to discover in their world of news and in communication with other places.  It was harder to get information without being on the scene first hand.  Once the radio came along, the field of journalism was booming with information and communication.  People did not know what to expect when it was first invented and was a turning point in the way news would be portrayed forever.      

The first amendment protects the freedom of the press and the rights that the journalist has to display news.  Democracy is based on the decision of the people and what they want.  Journalism helps people come closer to their decisions because of the research and findings about topics pertaining to politics.  With the freedom of the press, anyone is allowed to write and say anything they want or feel , which creates personal expression and opinions.  Not only is this freedom good for the news, it is also useful for authors, illustrators, and artistic figures.  Without this freedom, America would not be what it is today.  We wouldn’t be able to read about and form an opinion about our current president, protests against major companies that are doing wrong, or start an organization for something that you believe in.  Television shows would be under the rule of the government and signs and posters would have to be looked over before they are displayed.  Journalism is all about learning facts, gaining information, and expressing opinions and thoughts.  Without the protection of the government and freedom of the press, journalism as the world knows it would not even exist. 

Throughout this journalism course, I would like to learn more about the steps to becoming a journalist and skills to better improve my writing and reporting.  I would also like to learn the format for writing a newspaper article and what the job as an editor exactly entails.